So Many Self-Publishing Tips

On today’s show we have a fun chat with a super enthusiastic and successful indie author who so generously shares her process and tips on self-publishing. Plus, we chat about her author journey and all things kid lit.


Today’s guest is what you’d call a real go-getter, an active member of the Australian writing community, who throws herself into her work with such enthusiasm.

She began in her working life in the music and television industry before being drawn back into her passion for children’s literature.

Her first book, Looking for Lily was shortlisted in the West Australian Young Readers’ Book Awards, and her latest book, Mavey and Beth’s Double Act is out now and ripping it up in stores.

She’s an indie author who’s learned through hard work and dedication how to write, produce, and sell children’s books, and she’s popped in today to share a taco, along with her process, tips and tricks for self-publishing.

Everybody, please give a huge welcome to the awesome Kristy Nita Brown.