Previous Episode: Kavod: The Rise of Jonathan
Next Episode: A Coming War

In this podcast, we will look at the mighty men of scripture and see how they lived lives not for their own glory, but to the Kavod of Yahweh. The glory of the God of Israel. We have finally made our way to the life of David. The foundation for the rise of David has been laid. Saul has demonstrated that he is a bad king, and now, Saul’s kingdom is being slowly ripped from his hands as David begins to rise to power. In 1 Samuel 16:1-13, we saw David anointed as the future king of Israel. This is the first major transition to the rise of David as king. And now, we will see the second major transition when David is brought to the royal court by Saul to serve under him. Which is ironic, because if Saul knew David was to be king, he would kill him. But instead, he essentially gives David the keys to the kingdom.