In this podcast, we will look at the mighty men of scripture and see how they lived lives not for their own glory, but to the Kavod of Yahweh. The glory of the God of Israel. We have been looking at the greatest of the Old Testament warriors, King David and his rise to power in 1st Samuel. Saul has been rejected by God, and David has been anointed the new king. In 1 Samuel 16, verse 13 and 14, we see a spiritual transition of power. In verse 13, as the oil is running down David’s face it says that the Spirit of Yahweh rushed upon him and was with him from that day forward. Then in verse 14, we are told that the Spirit of Yahweh departed from Saul. So while the spiritual transition of leadership has already happened, the physical transfer of power and kingship plays out through the remaining 16 chapters of 1 Samuel. 

We will see Saul become more and more cowardly, as David displays why he is described as a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, a man of good presence, and Yahweh is with him. And the first step in this transition of power happened when Saul called David to court to be his personal musician, but David quickly rose to a more prominent position as Saul’s armor bearer. 

While all of this is going on, Israel’s sworn enemy, the Philistines, are preparing for a war against Israel, which is where our story begins today in 1 Samuel 17, verses 1 through 11.