In 2001, Scott Sunderland found himself lying in a hospital bed, unable to move any part of his body. In just three days, he had gone from a very capable, athletic man to being completely paralyzed with a mind full of fear. However, Scott believed he was greater than just his body, and he used that power throughout the next year to teach himself how to literally walk out of that room and into a new life. 

“The Freedom Project has given me the tools and support to help me create the life I really want.”

However, on July 27th, 2012, Scott’s world came crashing down once again while walking on a beach with his best friend and three children. The sand collapsed under their feet, throwing them into a current, fighting for their lives. Scott made it to shore only to watch his best friend, Brad, take his last breath before a wave washed over him and he was gone. This experience left Scott completely broken and searching. For the next five years, he yearned for Brad’s forgiveness, only to realize that it was his own that he was searching for. Scott made a promise to live an inspired life for both Brad and himself. 

Scott left a life that wasn’t serving him and stepped into the power that he realized he always was. Today, Scott has kept his promise and tells his stories as triumphs. Teaching others that all their limitations, failures, sicknesses, losses, and addictions are just there to show them the door to their own greatness. Scott strives to inspire, motivate, and empower people and help them realize they are the victor just waiting to be uncovered.

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Instagram: @FreedomProject222