For over 6 years, Kenny has been helping businesses break through the digital space by providing holistic perspectives and solutions. He has scaled multiple ecommerce brands to consecutive 6 and 7 figure months from his ability to dial in on the user experience. 

Kenny’s ability to successfully promote brands has been proven over and over again in a variety of industries. He is now helping clients with big picture marketing strategy by anticipating changes in the market, analyzing the back end user experience, and ensuring the strategic vision is executed on all fronts impeccably. 

Kenny consistently provides audiences with the same thing he provides his clients: actionable insights on improving ROI, increasing lifetime value and creative ways of attracting potential customers. Whether discussing paid advertising, data and analytics, marketing automation, SEO, web design and implementation, or conversion rate optimization, Kenny is passionate about helping businesses grow.


Email:  [email protected] 
Phone:  352-362-4868 
LinkedIn:  in/kenGrayjr 
Instagram:  @GraytMedia