Sam Tschida (pronounced cheetah) is a rom-com author. She lives with her gang of children, a couple of poorly behaved dogs, and one handsome man. When she’s not writing she is probably making lasagna. Just kidding. Who knows what she’s doing, least of all Sam. The only guarantee is that she is actively brainstorming her next book. And if we’re being honest, it’s pretty likely that she’s not making lasagna, unless it’s the frozen kind. Shout out to Mrs. Stouffers!

Besides living the dream writing books, Sam is the head bitch at SMUT University, a school of writing she started for writers to connect, learn craft, and tell dirty jokes. She also edits other peoples’ books , but she is a Pisces so we might as well call it what it is, therapy. So boiled down, Sam is an unlicensed therapist who also writes rom-coms.

Her debut novel, Siri, Who Am I? is out now and you can find it Amazon, Kobu, and Barnes and Noble.

You can find Sam online, Amazon, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads.