Tessa McFionn is a very native Californian, growing up in San Diego and attending college in Northern California and Orange County, only to return to San Diego to work as a teacher. She wrote her first story in elementary school and was hooked. Never one to be predictable, she created strange tales about evil Cabbage Patch dolls and the life lessons taught by Barbie. Insatiably curious and imaginative, she loves to learn and discover, storing up a plethora of trivial knowledge. She feeds her artistic soul through her passions for theatre, dance and music, as well as regular trips to The Happiest Place on Earth with friends and family. Currently, she is President Elect of RWA San Diego Chapter.

You can connect with Tessa at her website: http://www.tessamcfionn.com/

And for more about our host Lisa Kessler visit http://Lisa-Kessler.com

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