The Read with Carylee Show brings the love of literature to children and gives a peek behind the scenes by evoking the joy of reading, helping children interact with authors, and displaying the hidden talent of these authors who may be living in your community. 

This episode will read Wandering In The Sun By Darren Simien Fisher.



WANDERING IN THE SUN is an adventure with little girl Paris and Mr. Sun. Throughout the day, Paris discovers the many roles of the sun and realizes how important Mr. Sun is in sustaining life on Earth. It will help children deepen their understanding of the world around them and their role in preserving it. 


During her thirty-one-year career in education, Darren Simien Fisher worked diligently to promote literacy and Science. After retiring as an Elementary Science Specialist in 2012, Mrs Fisher wrote her first children's book WANDERING IN THE SUN.


The author shares, "Children need to see that we have a closer connection to our planet than we realize. We wouldn't even exist without it. So I wrote this little rap, it says, 'Let's give credit where credit is due. Without the Sun, there wouldn't be me or you!' We have to plant the seed in children at an early age that we are stewards of the environment and must take care of our planet."


Mrs. Fisher adds that she wasn't planning to become an author but knew that pursuing her passion would benefit many. "Science is intimidating, so you have to make it fun and in rhymes to get a child's attention. Being an author wasn't on my bucket list, but God had other plans for me to continue to promote literacy. And this is a gift for me to continue my passion for science and my love for teaching."


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