On READ TO ME, we practice the most fundamental skill for excellent writing — how to listen for what works on the page. (And then understand why.)

Today, we get to listen to the talented, generous, and so so so so smart poet MAURICIO NOVOA. His debut collection MEMORIAS FROM THE BELTWAY explores "themes of working-class survivalism and ingenuity, spiritual tenacity, hip hop articulations, and el exilio," per his co-publishers, FlowerSong Press and Red Salmon Press. In conversation, Mauricio is humble about himself but brilliant about the work.   

READ TO ME podcast is supported by READ TO ME Literary Arts. Here, you get the space, time, community, and method to grow as a writer and a reader. You have a gift, no matter how much you doubt it. Now's the time to use it. Find the program that's right for you at readtomepod.com.

On READ TO ME, we practice the most fundamental skill for excellent writing — how to listen for what works on the page. (And then understand why.)

Today, we get to listen to the talented, generous, and so so so so smart poet MAURICIO NOVOA. His debut collection MEMORIAS FROM THE BELTWAY explores "themes of working-class survivalism and ingenuity, spiritual tenacity, hip hop articulations, and el exilio," per his co-publishers, FlowerSong Press and Red Salmon Press. In conversation, Mauricio is humble about himself but brilliant about the work.   

READ TO ME podcast is supported by READ TO ME Literary Arts. Here, you get the space, time, community, and method to grow as a writer and a reader. You have a gift, no matter how much you doubt it. Now's the time to use it. Find the program that's right for you at readtomepod.com.