READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.
Want to look your best - but bothered by scars you cannot eliminate or conceal? Matt Singer, whose early passions included adventure movies and special-effects makeup, has worked professionally on Emmy- and Academy Award-winning film and TV projects. He developed silicone products used in the industry today. Later, in response to plastic surgeons, dermatologists and consumers, Matt offered a new topical scar filler superior to any makeup product. In 2011, he launched Dermaflage, simplifying the scar concealer application process into 3 steps easy enough or anyone to apply.
Matt talks about his invention and its many uses, his career, his family and what it's like to be a single custodial Dad.
Great interview!