This week we talk Jamison Dance about the parts of programming that are distinctly non-technical.

We talk about the perfect TLD, working with a team, finding psychological safety, the organization of React Rally, and how to recycle batteries.

Jamison is co-host of the podcast Soft Skills Engineering where he and Dave Smith answer non-technical questions for technical folks.

It's a great show that I highly recommend.

check it out at


Jamison Dance — Twitter, Website, GitHub
Michael Chan — Twitter, Website, GitHub

Links and Notes

WalMart Labs
React Rally 2019 — August 22 & 23 in Salt Lake City, Utah
React Conf 2019 — October 24 & 25 in Henderson, Nevada
Soft Skills Engineering podcast with Dave Smith and Jamison Dance — It takes more than great code to be a great engineer
Where to Recycle Batteries by Energizer
Psychological Safety on Wikipedia
React Hooks Announcement from React Conf 2018


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