
Henry Zhu — Twitter, GitHub, Website
chantastic — Twitter, GitHub, Website


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LinksBabelBabel on Open CollectiveBabel on GitHub SponsorsSource with Nadia EghbalWorking in Public: The Making and Maintenance of Open Source Software by Nadia Eghbal11: City as Litergy (Bonus) episode on SourceThe Death and Life of Great American Cities on Amazon (Affiliate Link)SponsorsAWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is the fastest, easiest way to develop web and mobile apps that scale.
Get started building a React app today, check out the tutorial on AWS Amplify today, visit awsamplify.info/react.

Infinite Red

In over your head with a React or React Native app?
Infinite Red can help.
They are React Native core contributors who've been designing, building and shipping apps for over 10 years.
Learn more at reactpodcast.infinite.red.

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