Good evening welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we thank you for listening to our programs. It is our hope our programs help enrich your life helping you to root and Jesus, walking in Spirirt and Truth. We are a team working together in love and unity, in one mind one acoord as the body of Christ sharing the Gospel into the world.

Tonight on Going Deeper in Jesus, your host Apostle Roy Wenman, and Apostle Edward Eberly will be teaching on,"With the Sword of the Spirit, Decalring and Proclaiming the Living Word of God!" 

Ephesians 6:17

17 and take sthe helmet of salvation, and xthe sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 

We need to be armored up prepared for spirirtual batle daily! Join are amazing anointed men of God as they give you a more in depth study of the sword, God's living word. 

We thank you for listening for your continued prayres and support as we share the Gospel into the World, God Bless You!!