Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ sharing the Gospel into the world.

Tonight's program is God's Hour of Truth with host Apostle & Prophet Evangelist Edward Franklin Eberly. 


 My message tonight will be something a little different because God impressed upon me that many don't know how to really read and incorporate scriptures into their lives to make them a reality and not just saying " I believe that". I have never taught this way before but I see the great need as I deal with many people.  We are truly living in a day that we must walk closely with God with knowledge, understanding, and discernment of the scriptures. You will understand where I am coming from when I take the scriptures teaching how to use them and see the working reality of them in your life. Pro 4:7  Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. 

Hos 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Please join me so we can learn together. The anointing of God will be there to meet you where you are at. My program is not geared to just my teaching but the freedom of the Holy Spirit to do what you have need of and direct you in whatever HE wants to do. THIS PROGRAM IS HIS,  I AM JUST A STEWARD AND MOUTHPIECE, IT IS GOD'S PROGRAM. COME EXPECTING WHAT YOU HAVE NEED OF IN JESUS NAME!

Thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support!