Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a team of spirit led men and women of God working together in love and unity in one mind one accord sharing the Gospel into the world.

Tonight's program is The Way of Healing, with host Licensed Christian Psychotherapist Susan Brozek.

Her topic tonight is:

“COPING WITH LONELINESS” This broadcast will look at the topic of loneliness, some ways that you can cope with it, and also how you can turn it around and find God‘s companionship and his presence with you. With the onset of COVID-19 and social distancing mandates, many people are experiencing extreme loneliness, which is also leading to other mental health issues in their lives. We will be discussing loneliness in general, some of the root causes of loneliness such as what I described due to the pandemic, some Biblical principles of comfort during lonely times, and some practical steps to help you if you are struggling in this area.

We thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support may God bless you all!!

Any questions or comments email [email protected]