Good evening everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, where we are reaching out to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ sharing the Gospel into the wolrd. We are a team working in love and unity in one mind one accord .

Tonights's program is "The Way of Healing," with host Licensed Christian Psychotherapist Susan Brozek. Her program topic for tonight is, "Cultivating a Deeper Relationship with Christ Part 2." The most important relationship we will ever have is with God. We need to make spending time with him a priority in our lives. Do you feel that you are at a point where you want a closer walk with the Lord, but aren’t sure how to go about it? This broadcast will present some key points for developing a deeper relationship with God. It is the actual time we spend in His presence, quieted before Him, that helps us know Him best and helps us grow the most.

Thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world. God Bless You All!