Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio where we are reaching out to be the hands, feet and voice, of Jesus sharing the Gospel and the message of the cross into the Nations. 

Tonight host, Licensed Christian Psychotherapist, Susan Brozek will be sharing a topic many want to avoid and ignore, sucicide. As the founder of Reaching Out Radio I felt it is an important topic that needs addressed! Sucicide rates are increasing in society today affecting people of all ages, grade school aged children, teens, young adults, middle age adults, seniors. I personally had a friend I grew up with take their life somoene I would never imagined would have! I FEEL IT IS IMPORTANT FOR US TO BE A VOICE! 

“A Permanent Answer to a Temporary Problem: An In-Depth Look at the Warning Signs and Causes of Suicide”. This is, without a doubt, a very difficult topic. But it is one that needs to be discussed, and tonight we will look at this issue, some of the warning signs that a person might be contemplating suicide, what Scripture has to say related to this issue, and the important role of hope in overcoming thoughts of suicide and death.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Call 1-800-273-8255 

We hope you will join us to gain insight on sucicide, signs to look for, prevention and hotline number to share. Please share this broadcast you could help raise awarenesss you could help save a life!! 

We appreciate your continued prayers and support thanks and God bless!!