Good Morning welcome to Reaching out Radio Internatioanl, we are a ministry team working together in love and unity as the body ofr Christ sharing the Gospel into the world. 

Today Evangelist Montell Fields kicks off a new program, "Start Your Week Off Right-Start It With God." She will be sharing a weekly devotion from Pastor Terry Nightingale, prayer and worship. God has placed it on her heart encourage people to start their days off with God, He will make a differrence in our lives, when we give our time to Him He meets us there. Life is hard and without God in our lives, a strong paryer life and finding time for the word and worship we will fall on this journey called life! Today let us put our focus on our Father and giving Him the time He desires and deserves, it will chnage your life! God Bless You in this new week ahead. 

We thank you for listening and for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world!