Good evening brothers and sisters thank you for taking time to join us tonight on, Reaching Out Radio International. We are a team working together in love and unity in one mind one accord sharing the Gospel of JESUS into the world. 

Tonights program is Revival Begins with Us, with host Brother Roy Wenman, his message title is "Running to the Battle the Battle is the Lord's."  As children of God we can not fear, we have to be ready to rise up, armor up prepared for battle! We need to be running to our battle just like David did when he ran to fight Goliath! He did not fear for he knew God had already equipped him, his victory would come through his faith in God!

It is our hope we help prepare you and teach so God can have end day warriors that have no fear that are armored up ready to go forth running to the battle! 

May God bless you all thank you for your continued prayers and support as we do the work God has called us too!!