Hello everyone welcome "Prophetic Sisters In Christ." My self Evangelsit Montell Fields along with my sister in Christ Pastor Barbara Smith have been led by the Spirit to use the gifts God has given us to be a vocie for Him. 

We are going to be praying for our listeners, our leaders, our country, brothers and sisters around the world. As God speaks into our spirits gives us a messaage through the leading of the spirit we wil be a voice for Him. to the people.

We will not share a word that someone wants to hear just to staisfy the flesh. It is only through the anointing power of God one can prophesy we will not speak anything that is not of God!

We will open the phones for your prayers seek the spirit as God speaks into our spirits we will share His message unto you.

We are really excited believing God for great things!! Give us a call we want to pray for you seek Gods perfect will for your life. 

Tonight we are going to teach on revival we feel in our spirit God is getting ready to ignite a new revival fire!!