Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ sharing the Gospel into the world.

Tonight we are excited to welcome an amazing man of God we will be sharing his powerful testimonies and his ministry, Apostle  Bishop Almer Calijan is doing great things for the kingdom in the Philippines. 

Name: Bishop Almer Calijan Age: 44 Status: Married Date of Birth: April 28,1976 I was been born in Christ,: 1992 Bible school graduated: 1996 At :Asian Christian School of Ministry Been in AOG org. From 1997 to 2009 Start independent ministry: 2010 Ministry name: MegaFaith Fellowship,Inc. Church planter and crusader I ordained Bishop last year, Under of Independent group of Bishops in Philippines.

It is exciting to join together to further the kingdom of God, we are to love one another going forth as the hands and feet of Jesus sharing the message of the cross, John 3:16 into the world, remebering we may be the only bible they read or the only witness they hear.  We need to unite for Christ rise up as mighty soldiers in the army of God it doesn't matter if we are red, yellow, black or white we are all precious in His sight! 

Thank you for listening for your continued prayers and support as we share the love of Jesus the Gospel into the world, God Bless You All!!