Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio where we are raeching out to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ sharing the mesage of the cross into the nations.

Tonight your host Sister Pearl will be sharing a message on "Occupy till I Come" found in Luke 19:13. The challenge for every believer in this present time is for us to stay focused and do the bidding of the Master, while it is still called the day.  Many are wrongly just listening to the 'doom and gloom" constantly bombarding our minds with the negative.  Entertaining the wrong that's in the world constantly, limits our ability to "work the works of Him who sends us" and instead of being His salt and light in a very dark world, we become irrelevant to the culture. Our Great Commander in Chief told us exactly what we should be doing until He returns...and that is to Occupy. 

Hope you join us and grow in the word together thanks fr your support and prayers.