Hello brothers and sisters welcome to Reaching Out Radio where we are reaching out to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ sharing the Gospel and the message of the cross into the nations.

This evening your host sister Pearl will be speaking from I Samuel 17, choosing verse 29 as her theme:

"And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?"

Not unlike the days in which you and I live today, David found himself having to explain and press his way to even be allowed to speak. His oldest brother, Eliab, spoke very condescendingly to him and harshly criticized him as being conceited, proud and rude. David trusted in God, while his brethren did not know God as David did. His elder brothers had no personal experience of knowing God's might and power. David, on the other hand knew God to be a mighty deliverer. 

In this present day, when seemingly everything as we know it seems to be going awry and the enemies of God seem to be of gigantic proportions, always remember that God is greater than your biggest enemy...every time. 

May the Lord go before us, as we approach the endtimes, in Jesus' name, amen!

Lovingly, your servant, sis. Pearl