Good evening everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we appreciate you listening. It is our hope that our programs enrich your walk with God, helping you understand the true message of the cross, who Jesus Christ truly is. We are a team working together in love and unity sharing the Gospel into the world. 

In this evening's broadcast of Reaching Out Radio International's broadcast, "In the Word with Sister Pearl" we will continue to delve a little deeper into the type of men and women who make up the Kingdom of God. God's people are unlike those who have not been redeemed and empowered by the Holy Spirit of God, living and operating in their lives. Invite your family, friends, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, to listen to Part 4 of God's Kingdom.

"All of Your works will thank You, Lord,

    and Your faithful followers will praise You.

 They will speak of the glory of Your kingdom;

    they will give examples of Your power.

They will tell about Your mighty deeds

    and about the majesty and glory of Your reign.

For Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.

    You rule throughout all generations." - Psalm 145:10-13

May this be a true blessing to those who listen, and prayerfully apply, to what is being taught in this series. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world, God Bless You All!!