Hello and welcome to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team working together in love and unity in one mind one accord as the body of Christ sharing the Gospel into the world. 

Tonights program is In the Word with Sister Pearl, her message title for tonight is, "As The Sons of Issachar."

For those who are blood washed, redeemed, sons and daughters of the most high God, we should desire to be as the sons of Issachar in this 21st century...discerning the times. God wants His children to be able to not only understand the times we are living in, but to know what to do in such times.  We are entering into the most testing, challenging, but explosively miraculous season the church has ever encountered. Please prepare your heart in prayer to hear the word the Lord has given to our sister Pearl, for the period in which we are entering, at an accelerated speed.  God has a plan and He wants us to understand how we are to conduct His business in the the days, weeks and months ahead.  We invite you to listen intently and invite all of your spiritually hungry family and friends to do the same.

"from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command; - 1 Chronicles 12:32.

We thank you for listening, for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world. God Bless You!