Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International where we are reaching out to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ sharing the Gospel and the message of the cross into the world.

Tonight's program is God's Hour of Truth with host Prophet & Evangelist Edward Franklin Eberly. Tonight he will be kicking off a new series   "YOU WERE REDEEMED" Part 2.

It is a message that will not only teach us, but remind us of what we really have in Jesus Christ. We can become complacent in our lives and tolerate hurtful things that Jesus paid the price for and we are suffering in vain. In the hour which we are living every evil thing is breaking loose so we need to not only know what we need to do to live an abundant life, but also how we can make a positive impact on those around us and those that God sends to us or sends us to. "My people perish for lack of knowledge "Hosea 4:6 really fits in this hour in the height of the battle of satan and God, We are called to be His Remnant Soldiers doing all that we can to bring light into this very dark world. So knowing what we are redeemed from shows us what we don't have to permit in our lives, and what we need to get rid of. It is house cleaning time for each of us in our lives so we can go forth filled with the Spirit of God, reflecting Jesus in and through our lives. How much we know about what we were redeemed from through the Blood of Christ makes all the difference in the kind of life that we will live on earth and how effective we will be taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.

We thank you for listening to our programs it is our hope our programs enrich you, inform you, teach to have a closer relationship with God our Father. Please to continue to pray for our ministry as we share the Gospel into the world, God bless you all!