Hello everyone welcome to Reaching Out Radio International where we are reaching out to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ sharing the Gospel and the message of the cross into the world.

Tonight on God's Hour of Truth host Prophet & Evangelist Edward Franklin Eberly message title will be "Run Towards Your Roar"


 Many people label the negative things that come against them as problems. When we look at them that way we are declaring things that hinder us and not overcoming them. They are challenges that open the door to our overcoming them by God;s Word which enables us to overcome every challenge that we face 2 Peter 1-3,4.  We will learn what it takes to be at the place of running towards your challenges instead of away from them and hiding our head in the sand trying to ignore them. In the study of David and Goliath we learn that David ran towards his challenge and see some of the things that enabled him to do it.  A foundational mindset and a fixed heart gives us the boldness to walk as mighty men and women of God being a good testimony to those around us and pleasing the Lord, We live a troubled and a life without peace when we don't face our challenges seeing them as problems because we make them part of us and believe that we will  just have to live with them making them part of our life.  John 8-32  "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free".

We thank you for listenining for your continued prayers and support as we share the Gospel into the world! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!