Hello thank you for listening to Reaching Out Radio International, we are a ministry team committed to sharing the Gospel the true message of the cross into the world. We are working together in one mind one accord in love and unity as the body of Christ. 

Tonights program is "God's Hour of Truth" with host Apostle Edward Franklin Eberly, he welcomes on Rev, Brian Foutz as a special guest this evening. 


 I am honored to have my very good friend and fellow minister on my program this evening. Rev Brian Foutz of Hazak Ministries. Here is a short biography of Rev. Foutz.

Brian Foutz is an encouraging, inspirational, and motivational speaker. He is also a Christian musician-composer and recording artist, author, and ordained minister. He and his wife Leah have written several books, “From Misery to Ministry – A Walk of Faith” and “Steps of Faith” and soon to be released, “Walking through Grief – A Journey of Peace. In 2011 they founded Hazak Ministries, an encouragement ministry in New Ulm, Texas. Their ministry brings a message of hope, healing, and encouragement to the lost and hurting.

Looking for pure protection in life? Then it’s to Armor up! Tonight we will be looking at Ephesians 6:10-20 and discover some interesting items about the full Armor of God  Brian and I will be discussing putting on the full armor in a way that will be simple to understand and put into practice that you will be able to live an overcoming life and face all challenges that come your way in the Power of God being a testimony for Jesus and also to live an abundant life. This is the greatest hour that was ever upon the face of the earth and we need to be prepared for it to live an overcoming life and be faithful and fruitful in our serving Jesus Christ.