Today’s guest is Rochelle Briscoe a fierce tech mama of two. She found her passion after staying at home with the kids for a short period of time. After years of working in a law firm, she realized she was passionate about helping find the right people to build great teams!   She currently works at YouTube where she brings the best talent from every background to Silicon Valley.    From her days as an attorney specializing in labor and employment relations to her White House career as an executive-level placement and retention professional, Rochelle has always been struck by the central role strong relationships play in the success of businesses and teams. In 2016, Rochelle joined Google's Leadership Staffing Team, and from 2013 to 2016 Rochelle led the selection and recruitment of senior presidential appointments for the United States Government while serving as special assistant to President Obama in the Office of Presidential Personnel. Rochelle is a graduate of UC Davis School of Law and Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service.