If you couldn’t join us for our second REACH Roundtable Livestream, here’s our playback. REACH Roundtable is an extension of our podcast where we invite former guests back to discuss all things hot topics in the Executive Assistant world. In this episode, you’ll hear from the guests you know and love, Lauren Pelusi, Rowe Hoffer, LJ Cohen, and Kristin Beatham as they share their unique perspectives staying engaged in their work as Executive Assistants and how they maintain their passion and commitment to their careers. 


There are tracks within the EA role, there are tracks outside of the EA role and for those who see themselves tracking outside of the EA role, one of the paths that we’ve seen become commonly available to Executive Assistants is that of the Chief of Staff position. We’ve developed a course on “Becoming a Chief of Staff,” specifically designed for strategic Executive Assistants. So for those of you looking to further your knowledge & opportunities for advancement & community, visit www.mavenrec.com/courses.