This is it! This is the big one! For many Start Trek fans, this episode is what cemented our love of this series and this franchise. The terrifying enemy of the soulless Borg are back, and the top brass sends in the Shelby. The commander is introduced as an expert in Borg tactics and a foil to one Will Riker. They are at odds from the start, but they learn how to trust each other when the Enterprise needs them most. Abducted Picard transforming into Locutus of Borg is quick and dirty, and the crew needs to fight tooth and nail to get him back and maybe save humanity in the process. Guinan isn't sure victory is possible, but she'll take survival. So will Riker, apparently.

TO BE CONTINUED in a few weeks with the return of Re:Engage for season four of Star Trek: The Next Generation!

Get in touch with us on Twitter @ReEngageTNG!


Host: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter@greg_tito on IG)

Panel: Kate Jaeger (@jaegerlicious on Twitter and IG), Jimmie G (@thejimmieg on IG & Twitter) and Erik Gratton (@erikfallsdown on Twitter & IG

Audio Editor: Greg Tito (@gregtito on Twitter@greg_tito on IG)

Logo artwork: @mojojojo_97 on

Theme music: Ryan Marth


Next up is the SEASON PREMIERE s4e1 "Best of Both Worlds Pt. 2" hosted by Greg and featuring Dr. Erin MacDonald (@drerinmac on Twitter)!

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