This is an excerpt of Jason Raznick's on-site interview with Bob Parsons, founder of  GoDaddy and Parsons Xtreme Golf. Parsons opened Parsons Xtreme Golf's newest retail store in Detroit. The store is in Troy, a suburb about 25 minutes north of downtown. 


Bob Parsons

Founder of GoDaddy, Parsons Xtreme Golf.


Jason Raznick


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Jason Raznick: What was your vision for Parsons Xtreme Golf

Bob Parsons: I only do things that I like to do. Things that I love doing, because when you love something you're willing to work hard or you spend more time doing it for the sake of just doing it better and better and better.

I always was curious why golf clubs didn't get better every year. You get new golf clubs that perform pretty much the same or work maybe only a little marginally better. I talked to a friend of mine and I said "why don't these clubs get better every year?" And he goes, "well, you know, we do the best we can. We got price points. We got release schedules."

My question to him was if you were in a situation where you didn't have any time or money constraints, and you could spend whatever you wanted, could you make a hell of a club? He said "I'd like to think that we can." And so I thought about it, I talked to him again and I said, "let's do it." And so, that was the beginning of Parsons Xtreme Golf.

That was in 2013, we started working on our gen 1 clubs and when we finally got the clubs where they needed to be, I got a call from him and a couple of guys in engineering and said, Bob, "we've got a breakthrough."

This breakthrough hasn't been duplicated by anybody, nobody figure out how we do it. So when we shipped our first clubs in 2015, they were unlike anything that's ever been done. Then of course we push the envelope, in every generation since. We interview a lot of people.

Jason Raznick: You take on industries that have been around for years and then you dominate them.

Bob Parsons: We're not like any other company. You'll notice a commercial that we put up, there's no other company doing a commercial like that.

We just simply said "we killed it with these sticks".

Jason Raznick: And that is your creation? Is that your idea?

Bob Parsons: Always but it works. We have our own stores. And as long as it's good, that's the number one key for us to being successful.

With our golf clubs, each release has to be noticeably better.

Jason Raznick: So say someone's club snaps, can they just come to the store and then you guys fix it? Most clients don't have that direct relationship with the manufacturer. How many of these stores do you have?

Bob Parsons: We have 13 now. We will have 14 in 2 weeks. And we will have 15 the following month, 16, the following month.

Jason Raznick: And the last question is we hear about your covenant golf club in Scottsdale.Is there a deal where someone buys like 3 sets of clubs and they get to go out there? 

Bob Parsons: No, not even 50 sets.

Jason Raznick: Would you ever take Parsons Xtreme Golf public?

Bob Parsons: I'm not the type of guy to take any company public. GoDaddy went public and I was the chairman when it did, I resigned and became just a board member. I'm not a public company CEO.

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