Before we dive into the episode, have you seen our badass logo? Awesome designer Trais Colton Barhaug rocked that for us and you should go support him now! T-shirts, pins,… Continue reading "Curtain Jerkers, Episode 16: Matt Hardy vs. Tables, Ladder, Chairs, and ZOMBIES"

Before we dive into the episode, have you seen our badass logo? Awesome designer Trais Colton Barhaug rocked that for us and you should go support him now! T-shirts, pins, and stickers are on their way.

Thanks to Justin’s long time friend, Kwalified, a diehard wrestling fan and dope emcee hailing from Hawaii, for our great intro song.

So… Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies… yup, definitely a movie. But there’s not a lot of great things to say about it, sadly. Thankfully, there are a ton of great things to say about Matt Hardy’s wrestling skills, especially in some iconic tag team bouts! There are a bounty of great Hardy matches, but we chose 3 for this month: the classic original TLC match, a great Kevin Steen singles match from ROH, and Hardyz face off with the Briscoes, in honor of the late great Jay Briscoe.

Reach for the Sky! This month was a ton of fun, even if the movie wasn’t. The matches were a real treat this month. We got to chat about the latest AEW PPV, too!

Thanks for listening and we’ll be back with a special guest next month, just in time for Mania!

Follow Doug on Twitter and check out his other podcasts, Cinema Smorgasbord and No-Budget Nightmares

Follow Justin on Twitter and check out his writings here and at Cinapse.

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