Before we dive into the episode, have you seen our badass logo? Awesome designer Trais Colton Barhaug rocked that for us and you should go support him now! T-shirts, pins,… Continue reading "Curtain Jerkers, Episode 10: Jeff Cannonball Talks Deathmatch Wrestling and Aronofsky’s THE WRESTLER"

Before we dive into the episode, have you seen our badass logo? Awesome designer Trais Colton Barhaug rocked that for us and you should go support him now! T-shirts, pins, and stickers are on their way.

Thanks to Justin’s long time friend, Kwalified, a diehard wrestling fan and dope emcee hailing from Hawaii, for our great intro song.

On this 10th episode, we kick off with a short story from last episode’s guest, the great Craig Liggeons, then jump into our discussion of the award winning dramatic gem, The Wrestler, and a few matches from the great Deathmatch wrestler Necro Butcher. And, who better to talk a great movie and matches from Necro Butcher than the great Deathmatch wrestler and fellow cinephile, Jeff Cannonball.

While Justin somehow forgot to hit record at first, the consummate pros Jeff and Doug save his ass with killer conversation about this film and the pair of iconic matches. As a bonus, we dive into one of Jeff’s matches where Necro Butcher himself got involved.

We also dive into his upcoming role in a horror short called Bronko, directed by indie filmmaker Owen Russell. The indiegogo campaign just wrapped, but follow Jeff and Owen for more info on the film!

This upcoming weekend of June 24th and 25th feature will two great matches from Jeff for his home turf of H20 Wrestling (run by his good friend Matt Tremont) and his home away from home Blitzkrieg Pro. You’ll be able to watch him wrestle on IWTV if you can’t make it out… and while you’re there, check him out on their original show, The Life of!

Make sure you follow Jeff on Twitter and Instagram. His soda reviews have become the stuff of legend.

We’ll be back next month with another great (or not-so-great) movie and more great (or not-so-great) wrestling.

Follow Doug on Twitter and check out his other podcasts, Cinema Smorgasbord and No-Budget Nightmares

Follow Justin on Twitter and check out his writings here and at Cinapse.

Follow Curtain Jerkers on Twitter and Instagram.

This podcast is available now on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and other podcast platforms. If you can’t find it somewhere that you prefer listening, just comment below or email Justin and he’ll fix that. You can also subscribe by adding the feed URL to your podcast app:

Thanks and we’ll see you again soon!

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