It’s 2020, times are tough for pretty much everyone in almost every way possible, so.. let’s talk about the... bedtime pillow talk! Not intended for listeners under the age of 18! I talk about some crazy messages I get on a popular lgbtq app, how I question WHY people are still trying to “meet up” at a time like this, and most importantly - why I just CAN’T be in a relationship right now. As always, stay safe, stay as sane as you possibly can, and take this time to focus on yourself and bettering your mindset to become the best version of yourself. If you or anyone you know is in need of a friend, someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! You can do so by going to - all of my information is available there for you guys! I love you all, and until next time - remember; we all have a voice - make sure you use yours to help others by sharing YOUR #RAWHISTory