It was truly a great privilege for me to have the opportunity to chat with Canada’s first Holistic Pharmacist, RoseMarie Pierce.

RoseMarie Pierce, B.Sc. Pharm, is the owner of Pharmacy-Alternatives Corporation, a consulting firm specializing natural product development, formulation and research. She earned her Pharmacy degree from Dalhousie University, Halifax, in 1972.

RoseMarie studied Herbology with Clinical herbalist Terry Willard, Ph.D. at Wild Rose College. She has integrated these disciplines into her pharmacy practice to become one of Canada’s first holistic pharmacists.
Throughout her career, RoseMarie has researched and formulated natural medicines, and lectured across Canada on holistic health with an emphasis on women’s hormonal health, digestive issues, cognitive and ocular wellness, inflammation, immunity, pH balance, as well as drug-nutrient depletions.

RoseMarie is on the faculty of Pacific Rim College, an award-winning institution specializing in Holistic Medicine and Sustainable Living. She presents workshops as part of the Diploma of Holistic Nutrition program and just debuted her first online course on Drug–Nutrient Depletions and Drug–Food–Herb–Nutrient Interactions. RoseMarie also serves as a senior technical adviser for Prairie Naturals Health Products and GFR Pharma Manufacturing.

RoseMarie has two grown daughters who spent 9 & 11 years in Waldorf education. She was a founding director and second president of the Calgary Waldorf School. Anthroposophical medicine and home remedies, Waldorf education and the work of Rudolf Steiner remain dear to her heart.

RoseMarie and her husband David have been offering community development workshops known as “Heart-to-Heart” Communication to groups and individuals in both North America and Europe since the early 1990’s. This heart-opening process, helping individuals develop deep human connections, is one way David and RoseMarie feel they can contribute to the betterment of humanity.

Connect with RoseMarie here:
[email protected]
-Email: [email protected]

“Without proper absorption of nutrients, how can you reproduce healthy cells?”
-RoseMarie Pierce

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