WTF!!! Leading with Love - are you mad?

That was one of the reactions that I have had when I suggested to someone that they bring more Love in to their Leadership. 

Leading with Love is one of the most powerful ways that we can Lead within our teams and our worlds. 

Some people think that there is no place for Love in Leadership and that it is a sign of weakness, that it is "wishy-washy" and too "mushy"

In this Podcast I contest this opinion of some and I share with you 14 different ways that you can bring Love in to your Leadership and none of them are mushy or weak. 

I look forward to sharing this powerful Leadership strategy with you and I challenge you to find a way to implement this in to your Leadership style with immediate effect. 

I would also love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this concept of Leading with Love.

Enjoy the podcast

Kind Regards


RAW Leadership

Hello and welcome to the RAW Leadership Podcast with me Steve Barker….

As we get started today, I encourage you to also visit my Leadership Website…  and my Facebook Group - Audacious Leadership where you will find heaps more resources, insights and strategies that will help you grow your Leadership skills. 


Thank you for joining me for this latest episode of the RAW Leadership Podcast and if you are enjoying the content that I am sharing and if you are curious about how you can reach the next Level in your Leadership quickly...

Contact me at [email protected] or go to my website 

I look forward to hearing from you very soon …. 


Do you want to "level up" in your Leadership Skills?

Which in turn will earn you more money and get you promoted before your co-workers?

If that is you then check out these links for more insights, hints, tips and hacks:

Website – Steve Barker Leadership

Facebook Group – RAW Leadership


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