Dating isn’t so easy these days for singles. Some of you might be from a generation that you remember what dating was like before smart phones and dating apps; it could only happen organically. Some of you might be from a generation where you’ve never met someone in an organic way but only through apps. It’s a strange time for dating for everyone.

But no matter which way you choose to date, how to do it authentically is really the core question and motivation.

In this episode I go into what some of the challenges are, how modern society has gotten very anti-social or socially awkward because many people don’t even look up anymore, let alone chat to one another. I talk about how our perception is greatly affected by the stories we tell ourselves, the emotions that enhance those stories and the beliefs that lie at the core of them.

When we recognise that our stories aren’t serving us, we get to choose to not believe in them anymore. When we stop believing in them, we stop feeding them and then we get to take on an entirely new perspective that is motivated by a belief that actually does serve us.

I also talk about just being YOU!

Tune in for more…

Loving you from afar,
Facebook: @corinneblum @corinneblumcoach
Instagram: @corinneblum @theauthenticselfcoach