Perhaps you could be forgiven for thinking that the trees that surround Ravenscourt are there to hide its modesty. A privacy afforded to its vulnerable patients and selfless staff. However a more darker reading could be that mother nature herself is trying to swallow this evil building from view. Trying to protect us; her naïve inhabitants. The same way a parent covers their child’s eyes when disturbing images appear on the television in front of them.

But the horrors that lay in the Ravenscourt mental health facility aren’t secured behind a television screen. Instead they are only held back from our reality by a fragile layer of sanity, and a story which began with a young woman...   

This Lovecraftian tale, written by David Horgan, is brought to life by thespian actor Mark D'Aughton and Irene Kelleher (Game of Thrones). With special thanks to Sean MacGearailt for the introduction and credits. Produced and edited by Epic Productions and proudly distributed by Cornucopia Radio.

The show starts this spring, subscribe to get new episodes automatically.