Turn in your bibles to the end of days; we're talking about Judgment Day. (Seriously, we reference so much bible). Is the Day of Reckoning an actual future event for which we will have conscious experience? Even if it is, do we live like it? Judgment read in a certain way can sound like punishment, correction, retribution, restoration, equalization, or Mercy. So where does that leave us?

Mentioned in the episode: 

James 2:13 - Mercy triumphs over Judgment
Matthew 18:21-35 - Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor
Matthew 7:1-6 - Judging Others
James 4:11-12 - Judging your Neighbor
Matthew 25:31-46 - The Sheep and the Goats
Matthew 13:24-30 - The Wheat and the Tares

The Good Place on Netflix

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides? by Sheldon Ekland-Olson

Prophetic Imagination Station podcast
Matthew 16:13-17 - Caesarea Philippi
Hebrews 9:27 - "Once to die, then the Judgment"

Sinners in the Hands of A Loving God by Brian Zahnd

Doctor Who on Amazon
Psalm 84 - Better is one day than thousands elsewhere

Follow the hosts on Twitter: 

Josh: @joshlieuallen

Emily: @RevRettinghouse

Stephen: @stephenghenning

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Thank you to Louie Zong for use of his song In Full Color, off his album, Here. Find his work on Spotify and Bandcamp!

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