Spiro’s on a much deserved vacation this week but the show must go on. How do you replace that much genius with one man? You don’t, so there’s 4 on the show to make up for it! (Original Record Date: 11/02/2020)Trac Brown AKA Dick Dastardly AKA Tony Flags (@8tracDastardly on Twitter) is unapologetically Anti-Trump, pro socialized medicine, and about as PC as a punch in the face!Jargo ((destino.podbean.com, @NotJargo, @DestinoPod) is repping the Libertarian ideals of Freedom, less government control, and smoking a TON of weed.Jimmy sits slightly to the right, but mostly thinks the whole damn thing is hilarious and embarrassing.Chris is somehow fundamentally an American experimentalist in spite of the fact he’s a Canadian.The fellas talk abortion, political parties, outward and secret government control, And oh yeah... did you know there’s an election coming up?One thing’s for sure, everyone on the show has a healthy dose of the exact ingredient you’ve come to expect here: RATIONAL RAGE!!!