Finally on the surface of Avernus, The Gorgeous Phoenix Brigade is healed up, leveled-up, and heading to Fort Knucklebone. According to their hollyphant guide, Lulu, the party can find some help there in locating Zariel's legendary sword. But, what they find is an assortment of oddballs and lunatics who put the ASS in assistance.

This episode of the podcast features audio from our final virtual session from early June! Over the next four weeks, we'll be releasing remaining episodes of the podcast from that session to get you all caught up to real-time so that you can join us, spoiler-free for:


On Saturday, July 24th, join Emre, Aaron, Brad, Deon, and Jason at noon central time as we celebrate Deon's birthday!

It will also be the debut of some new audio equipment and other gear which will really improve the quality of the livestream and podcast.

Those improvements cost money, and that money was provided by our Patreon supporters and livestream donators! We're thankful for your support and it wouldn't have happened without you.

Special thanks to our newest Patreon supporters!
Christian Go
Eriq Soto
and Freckled1

We started this adventure because we wanted to play D&D and have a good time with our friends. We're really thankful that we're still at it! Thank you for being a part of it.