Here's a very quick introduction from host Peter Fenton to talk about what is the Rare Birds Podcast all about.

The creative process always takes some form of investment—usually a bunch of time, potentially some money, but always, a whole lot of effort in the beginning, middle, and end. To bring a project—any project—to life is a creative or otherwise entrepreneurial process, and for many of us who have brought one or more projects to life ("Rare Birds," if you will), bringing creative work into the world is second nature, and there are people out there who want to know how we did it. This is an opportunity to both promote your passion and to break down your creative process.

The Rare Birds Podcast seeks to demystify this process of bringing projects to life one conversation at a time with a diverse set of creative and entrepreneurial types. The guests on this podcast are hand-picked by host Peter Fenton as interesting creatives with a sense of humor who create quality, thoughtful content and use their platform to make their circles of influence a better place. These casual, friendly conversations will ask, "What project are you most proud of? And how did you bring it to life?" of Authors, Filmmakers, YouTubers, Theatre Professionals, and more!

About The Host

Peter Fenton’s work has appeared in or is forthcoming from Dadley Productions, Heuer Publishing, BraveMaker Media, and Wheaton College Jukebox Theater among others. Peter is an adventurous multi-genre author and screenwriter who co-founded Ornithology Media in summer 2021 as an imprint to produce creative work that stimulates critical thought and laughter.


Music: Lauren Duski - Rollin 


Music promoted by Epic Free Sounds 

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