Our guest is Dr. Russell Kelly PhD, author of the book Exposing Seventh-day Adventism  and "former member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. We will explore what they believe and how it does not jive with the bible

Seventh-day Adventism entices members into it using trickery and half-truths. They tell the unenlightened public one thing and insiders yet another.Dr. Kelly explains how he was tricked into joining. He then refutes the theological fiasco called the Investigative Judgment which created the sect. Much of the book looks at the Sabbath with fresh insight. The final part reveals the mysterious realms of Sheol and Hades in order to expose SDA error about the soul.Russell Kelly is also the author of Should the Church Teach Tithing? A Theologian's Conclusions about a Taboo Doctrine-a best seller on Amazon.com under "Tithing" since 2001.