You know that feeling of regret? You ever regret a mistake you made? well apparently this man and his horrible mistake turned out to bring him a whole supply and demand of great music and editing, producing, and such more! QL (originally of Q Rate L & Rhythm) is a hip hopartist from Vancouver, BC. He began making music at 14 years old where he learned about recording in a program for at risk youth, MN8 Sound. After high school he studied Sound Engineering for 4 years after already spending years dedicated to learning the art. It was in this time he teamed up with Rhythm to create the album The Last Pulse. Throughout this time he spent years learning life lesson after lesson and battling with depression due to a decreased amount of motivation and loss of hope for what the future held. At his lowest he ended up landing himself in an Australian prison where he spent 3 years of his life due to drugs, his life choices had finally caught up with him. in this time he wrote over 600 pages of lyrics and learned to play guitar, building on the puani. Finally freed and back home in 2017 he began rebuilding the life he left behind, he moved in with his one of his best friends and instantly found a job and returned to some degree of normalcy. He spent the next 3 years slowly building up his collection of studio equipment and writing songs, but nothing serious until now. In the years after prison, his life has remained chaotic somehow after losing his father and in the midst of the fentanyl crisis of North America losing many people to the epidemic including his best friend who may be the only reason he is where he is today. There really is no way he would be here today without him. His music is his story. Today we discuss life in prison, new projects, and how this man turned out to be! Check him out here by the way he's amazing don't waste time, go check him out:


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