Major news update. We need to change. So basically, as I was recollecting thoughts in my head today I realized.... what the hell am I doing? I was thinking about the future of the show and being like, Is this how it's always going to be like? Ever since I started this show in August 2020, I've made it my life goal to reach out to as many artists as I can. I wanna be honest, I want better. That's why I'm launching my news Improvement project called Let's Make it Stronger!

Basically, I need feedback. I need criticism. I need ya'lls thoughts. How can I make this show even better. What can I do to get more views and make it bigger. That's the kind of things I urge you all to think about. I deeply care about all my listeners and I know some of yall want better. Some of yall can't enjoy the show because of things. TELL ME! Let me make it better. I'm in charge of Rap It Out

In addition, I'm making 100 percent of changes. That means anything you want changed for a good reason. Any improvements? I can make it happen. We can talk about it and I can do it. Also, PLEASE DON'T SUGARCOAT. Give me the honest truth. I can handle it. Let me help us get even better and brighter.

Lets 2023 be our year to make RAP IT OUT the best It can be. and trust me season 4 is happening and episodes are still being published (I got yall )

Until next time, keep it hot. Love yall and please don't hestiate to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

#letsdothis #improvement #theofficialrapitoutpodcast #change #2023 #music #rap #ongoingproject #letsmakeitevenstronger #give #feedback #help


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