Yamaneika and Chloe are joined by comics Sydnee Washington and Rae Sanni on this week’s Rantin’ And Ravin’ to discuss a variety of issues and topics including wig shops and nail salons, the Rantin’ And Ravin’ Book Challenge, the Rantin’ And Ravin’ Vegan Challenge, Rae’s and Sydnee’s experiences at college, and Yamaneika addresses one of her controversial Facebook posts contrasting the backlash to Bill Cosby with Jared Fogle and Josh Duggar. All that and a lot more, so check it out!

Follow on Twitter: twitter.com/yamaneika ... twitter.com/Chloe_Hilliard ... twitter.com/Justsydnyc ... ... twitter.com/raesanni ... twitter.com/ManSamp ... twitter.com/StandUpNYLabs

Watch live on DailyMotion, Mondays at 5:30pm: www.dailymotion.com/video/x2hj1sj_s…y-labs-live_fun

Go to standupny.com to see when Yamaneika and Chloe are performing live at Stand Up NY.

Listen to all our other great podcasts at standupnylabs.com

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