And the Oscars go to...

First off HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY to the PodCavern! **thunderous applause** It's been a helluva ride and there are no plans on slowing down this Top 5 train!

Now let's get down to why we are all gathered here today. Movies. Oscar season is quickly approaching and every year on Ranked's birthday we do intensive research (aka binge) to discover the best movies of yesteryear. 2019 started off seeming like quite possibly one of the weakest years in movies in a long time, but in the last few months of the decade it managed to put out some truly remarkable films that managed to flip that entire narrative. So join Tuong La and Hollywood Big Wigs Nivala Maharaj, Doug MacKendrick, and Melanie Moshi as they vigorously regale and argue over the best movies of 2019!

The post 78 – Top 5 Movies of 2019 appeared first on PodCavern.