Today on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: While the Rangers plant trees to help the environment, Bulk and Skull become the first victims of Power Rangers potty humor. Then, Pudgy Pig returns, and finds love. Oh, and the Rangers fight monsters and stuff. Also, news: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 40 [...]

Today on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: While the Rangers plant trees to help the environment, Bulk and Skull become the first victims of Power Rangers potty humor. Then, Pudgy Pig returns, and finds love. Oh, and the Rangers fight monsters and stuff. Also, news:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 40 Preview

Robert Axelrod- Recovery Fund

Pua Magasiva Has Died

After the episode was finished, we also learned that Grant McFarland, who played Lothor and Sensei in Power Rangers Ninja Storm, passed away back in November at the age of 71. Somehow, this news was missed by all of Ranger Nation, but was brought to light after the death of his co-star.