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Random Podcast Generator: Season 3, Episode 29

We hope that everyone had a great weekend and a Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas if you celebrate those! This week, BlossomingSun is by herself to continue talking about personalities and how they can influence or hurt our growth if we're pursuing a passion based on the internet. After watching hundreds of youtubers since the beginning of youtube, and tons of streamers on both Twitch and Mixer - BlossomingSun has become aware of certain personality traits that you can identify within yourself to help you determine what type of content creator you can become. The three traits - which she deems the Holy Trinity of Content - are Passion, Honesty and Humor. Each person has these three traits, all in different amounts, and having too much or too little of any can hurt you, but having a good balance for yourself can only help.

We hope you enjoy this informative and insightful podcast episode! Thank you for listening!